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Preschool Screening/Child Find Process

Administrative Contact

Francesca Whitney
Preschool Screening and PBA Coordinator

847-965-9040 x804


Child Find Obligation

Under IDEA 2004, public schools are required to identify, locate and evaluate all children residing in their attendance area who may be in need of special education services to address their disabilities. This legal mandate extends to children who attend private schools if they attend a private school located within the township boundaries regardless of the location where the student lives.



A child is eligible to participate in a Preschool Screening fi your child resides in one of the following Niles Township School Districts: 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 73.5 & 74.


If you are concerned about your child's growth and development, please contact Melissa Hughes-Smith at 847-965-9040 x841 to schedule a screening.


All screenings are conducted at the Molloy Education Center at 8701 N Menard in Morton Grove.